Fake Orgasm!

A generation stuck in blue ticks!
Homes made out of synthetic bricks,

Connections which do not connect anymore,
Well is it the evolution we talked about before,

A generation escaping from everything,
a generation canceling each other in the name of self love!

Love! Okay ! Tinder ! Bumble! Aisle !
Love! Okay ! My place ? Or should your place be fine?

Plastic smiles, elastic fears,
Public roasting , private tears,

I think we all believe there is something wrong with the world,
Is it the world or is it us!
Well keep it hush hush!

We lost our soul to the blue ticks!
We replaced our homes with floral synthetic bricks !

All the smell is plastic and ashes!
Ashes made from the burnt corpses of endless thoughts!

Of course we all love to see the easy games !
We all enjoy, until it’s our turn among the billion names!

Suddenly it’s all agony and pain!

Well bitch! you just did not realise,
You are also part of the food chain!