The Fairy , The Tree and The Rain…!

Once upon a time there a tree and a fairy .They both were old , old enough to not remember how they looked when humans used to ear raw meat and didnt know about ciggerate and wine.
As they lived long , and they loved long , the tree started to think and see the fairy as a tree too.
Its like there were only trees ,
there were only trees.
The fairy could fly , she could fly to the clouds and made the sky rain , the tree cherished , they both cherished.
After some more time the tree could not see the fairy at all, its like it got dissolved in tree’s vision.
The fairy got lost , more and more
the fairy got dissolved more and more.
And oneday the fairy left,
She had difficulties flying ,
she had difficulties with trying .
But she meant to be a fairy ,
she had to fly ,
she had to go by.
The tree could not see that ,
meanwhile the tree got alone,
the tree got dry ,
he could not make rain happen ,
he saw the fairy flying ,
it was so beautiful , it was so old ,
the moment was eternal , alive
he could not keep his eyes open ,
he kept breaking his branches ,
just to keep his eyes open!
just to see the fairy dancing ,
He remembered ,
The tree remembered his friend,
He remembered the rain ,
He was in pain,
but he remembered the sound of the rain,
the smile , no not all of it gone in vain,
some Icebergs still not melted,
Heat was not enough,
the hatred was not enough,
It rained ,
It rained again!

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